young Cuban boy

Young boy playing baseball on the streets of Cienfuegas, Cuba

The upside of having procrastinated the launching of my blog is that I have many of my favorite images taken this past year to share with you.  Being new to this whole blog-o-sphere world, I welcome your comments, feedback and suggestions.  I hope you’ll come back and visit often.

I’ll start with my assignment in December 2011 to Cuba for a People to People trip through a travel company.   I was drawn to this colorful mural in Cienfuegas.   As I was photographing, some people would stop and wave and say hello, others were completely oblivious to me and my camera.  I continued shooting, and the interaction of the people with this street sign in the background started telling me a story of life in this small city located a five-hour drive from Havana.  One young boy came out from his house and started playing catch with his friend who was to my left. They entertained themselves for quite some time and would periodically switch places. They were so animated and enjoying themselves completely oblivious to me. Towards the end a couple from the group I was traveling with walked by. The woman retrieved a missed catch and gave it back to the young boy. He planted the cutest kiss on her cheek and hugged her. It was such a sweet moment.

Turns out I am returning to Cuba this December for both a family gathering plus another assignment.  I can’t wait to see what stories reveal themselves this time.

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